Amazon compra Nice, la software house di Asti

La controllata Amazon Web Services, che si occupa dei servizi di rete per Amazon ha raggiunto un accordo per acquistare la software house astigiana Nice specializzata in software e servizi per l’ottimizzazione di computing ad alta performance. Secondo il comunicato congiunto di Nice e del gruppo americano: “continuerà a operare con il suo brand e con Amazon Web Services, per lavorare insieme per creare innovative tecnologie e servizi di alta qualità per aiutare i clienti ad accelerare e accrescere il proprio business”. L’azienda che occupa una quartnina di dipendenti resterà ad Asti con la sede ed il Centro ricerche.
L’azienda ha chiuso il 2015 con un fatturato di 4milioni e mezzo di euro rispetto ai 3,2 milioni del 2014.
Il prodotto di punta dell’azienda è un software 3D che consente di realizzare progetti 2D e 3D senza workstation.
Il comunicato di Nice e Amazon
Today we are pleased to announce that we’ve signed an agreement to be acquired by Amazon Web Services, the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform.
With our software and services, we help hundreds of customers all over the world optimize and centralize their HPC, Cloud and visualization resources while empowering distributed and mobile workforces.
NICE will operate under the existing brand and will continue to innovate on behalf of customers and partners, developing and supporting EnginFrame and Desktop Cloud Visualization (DCV) products.
“Like AWS, we are a customer obsessed company and we are globally appreciated for the excellence of our support and professional services”, said Bruno Franzini, Support and Professional Services Manager at NICE. “With the backing of AWS, we will pamper our customers even more!”
NICE and AWS will be able to work closely together to create innovative and exciting technologies and services for high performance and technical computing, with the goal to help customers to accelerate and grow their business.
“The entire team will be with us to open this new chapter of our history”, said Beppe Ugolotti CEO at NICE. “Everybody is already dreaming about all the new technologies we will be able to develop working together with our future colleagues at AWS.”
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