La guida del Guardian alla Torino post industriale e creativa

Il Guardian aveva lanciato un appello ai suoi lettori per realizzare una guida partecipata a Torino, considerata dal giornale inglese una delle mete in crescita del turismo italiano. Dalle segnalazioni dei lettori è nata The alternative city guide to Turin, Italy, la prima di una serie di guide alle città d’Europa che il giornale ha deciso di lanciare. La guida contiene il patrimonio artistico tradizionale della città, ma molti riferimenti della città post industriale e creativa.
Turin could be the blueprint for the post-industrial city of the future. Once Italy’s manufacturing powerhouse, spearheaded by the mighty Fiat, the city expanded rapidly beyond its elegant heart of Paris-style boulevards throughout the 20th century. But by the 1980s, global competition had put the brakes on the city’s economy: more than 100,000 workers lost their jobs and thriving factory districts withered to moribund hinterland.
But since then this most pragmatic of Italian cities has chosen to invest and reinvent with gusto, carving out new cultural spaces, sprucing up old classics such as Museo Egizio and Del Cambio, and splurging on trams and metro trains. For proof, hop north of the centre to Parco Dora, a former factory district once whirring with the production lines of Fiat, Michelin and carpet manufacturer Paracchi. Now completely transformed, the park’s centrepiece is a picked-clean skeleton of soaring girders, creating a vast space for kids to skate and scoot, play basketball and football, and turn out in their thousands for gigs and events such as Kappa FuturFestival.
Head east to find Barriera di Milano, a once-deprived quarter now blooming with artists’ studios and microbusinesses in places such as the 1912 warehouse complex Docks Dora, which is flanked by another showpiece reclamation project, Parco Aurelio Peccei. Just south of Barriera di Milano, in Aurora, lies the nascent Lavazza quarter, soon to house the coffee giant’s new HQ, and down the road is cultural hub Fitzlab, artist collective Diogene and Teatro Espace. Hugging the other side of the Dora Riparia river in Vanchiglia is Foster + Partners’ curvaceous new Campus Luigi Einaudi, while to the west in Borgo Dora is performance venue Cortile del Maglio and writing school Scuola Holden.
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