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Le mail di scam sull’eredità di Gianni Agnelli: un fenomeno decennale

Redazione Quotidiano Piemontese



gianni-agnelliRecentemente dei giornali online hanno messo in evidenza dei buffi tentativi di frodi telematiche realizzate da sedicenti legali dell‘Avvocato Agnelli che hanno scritto in giro mail del genere: “Caro signore, desidero notificarle che Gianni Agnelli l’ha indicata come beneficiario nel suo testamento. Le ha lasciato la somma di 60 milioni e 500 mila dollari”. In effetti la tradizione degli scammer di mandare mail truffa che richiamano all’eredità di Agnelli risalgono a poco dopo la morte dell’avvocato Agnelli. Oltre alla mail citata in precedenza.

I wish to notify you that late Gianni Agnelli made you a beneficiary of his Will. He left the sum of sixty Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (US$60, 500,000.00) to you in the Codicil and last testament to his Will. This may sound strange and unbelievable to you,for more details you are advised to contact Barristers’Hollis Grey Chambers:via our personal email address

Da anni ne gira un’altra molto diffusa. Neanche che l’eredità di Agnelli non abbia già avuto problemi di suo …

Late Gianni Agnelli was a very dedicated Christian who loved to give out. His great philanthropy earned him numerous awards during his life time. Late Gianni Agnelli died on the 18th day of January, 2003 at the age of 81 years, and his WILL is now ready for execution. According to him this money is to support your humanitarian activities and to help the poor and the needy in our society.

We want to acknowledge the receipt of your email in this chamber and also want you to know that you have absolute right to reject this WILL as much as you have the right to accept it as well. If you wish to turn it down then let me know so I can send you a WILL rejection form to fill and revert back to this office. I am not going to impose it on you but just doing my job here.

I can imagine that the late Gianni Agnelli must have known that you will put the money to good use for the less privileged of which he was aware that you can achieve, that is why he selected you. Also, understand that I don\’t know you neither have I met you before, but my contacting you is based on the recommendation of late Gianni Agnelli.

Be further informed that these funds will not be released to you without some proper identification. I have never met you before like I said and to be able to carry out our duties effectively as sole executors of the WILL of late Gianni Agnelli, We must be convinced that you are who the testament says you are.

And please re-confirm to us through the above stated fax or via email; your full contact details to include your full name and address telephone and fax number(if any) and if you have moved to a new address then indicate both the new and old one for my verification with what I have in my file. Any difference or discrepancies in the information provided by you will mean that I am contacting the wrong person and I will stop all communication with you out rightly.

Your information would be taken to the probate division of the International Court of Justice for verification. After the confirmation, the probate division would now release your letter of administration for claims to this bequest/funds. This document as well as the Certificate of Deposit issued by the Deposit Bank to Late Gianni Agnelli when the funds were deposited by him will then be released to you, this will give you the legal backing to receiving these funds.

We sincerely hope that the above requirement be sent to us sooner that later for us to proceed with the documentation. And note that we cannot send any document to you until we are fully convinced that we have the true beneficiary. And note that we have a period of (14) working days to conclude this so I can move on to the next beneficiary on the WILL of my late client.

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