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Secondo la classifica di Forbes Maria Franca Fissola, la vedova di Michele Ferrero, è la donna più ricca d’Italia

Redazione Quotidiano Piemontese



Secondo la classifica di Forbes degli uomini più ricchi del mondo la prima è Maria Franca Fissola, la vedova di Michele Ferrero che si colloca al  trentesimo posto nella classifica mondiale e al quartofra le donne. Secondo Forbes il suo patrimonio  è pari a 22,1 miliardi di dollari. Maria Franca Fissola conobbe il marito Michele dopo essere entrata in azienda come segretaria e interprete. E’ conosciuta come il marito per la riservatezza e per le sue doti di instancabile lavoratrice.

La descrizione di Forbes di Lady Ferrero

Maria Franca Fissolo is the widow of Michele Ferrero, who built Ferrero Group into one of the world’s leading sweets companies, best known for its iconic Nutella chocolate hazelnut spread, Kinder chocolates and Tic-Tac mints. Ferrero died on Valentine’s Day in 2015, but the family business lives on. Son Giovanni, who took over as co-CEO in 1987, continues to lead the company and has reiterated plans to keep it in family hands. His brother Pietro, who ran it with him for more than two decades, died in 2011 during a bicycle training ride in South Africa. It was Maria’s father-in-law, Pietro, who started the business during World War II in Alba in northern Italy, where he set up a lab to supply his wife’s pastry shop. Faced with rationed cocoa, he used the region’s plentiful hazelnuts to create the spread that would eventually become Nutella. In 1949 Pietro died, briefly leaving the company in his brother’s hands before son Michele took over.


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